Friday, November 9, 2007

Greek Festival

Last night, Krisy, Leo, Annie and I went to Voula's picked up her and Dina and went to a CM open house and then the Greek Festival in Daytona. It was a hectic, chaotic fun night! I wish we had a video camera set up in the car! There were three babies and three moms...poor Leo screamed for 30 min. straight b/c he couldn't see Kristy (she was driving). Annie slept through most of the Greek Festival b/c it was 9 PM, but got to sample all different kinds of food! We had a really good time and it was so good to get together with other moms!!!

I'm still learning a lot using photoshop to create LO! I feel like I will NEVER get caught up on Annie's album, but I'm still trying. These are pictures that we took back in Aug. when we were in Panama City. She cracks me up in these, so I felt like I wanted to add them to her album.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Corey, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new layout. You MUST tell me how you did the masthead so that I can copy you.