Thursday, May 26, 2011


I hate posting stuff about "me", but I am very excited about this, so I had to post b/c I want to always remember!

I have been running for about 12 or 13 years now. I never thought I would be a "runner." When I was a kid and through high school my sister was a "runner" and she was GOOD! She would win local 5K races in our hometown when was like 10 years old. She ran cross country in high school and was one of the top female runners in the state. She is naturally talented and I admire that so much. She went to college on a cross country scholarship and I just went to college! ;-) (Even though she doesn't really run anymore, she honestly could go out and do what I am about to write 5 paragraphs about anytime...I am so proud of her for that, amongst so many other things)

I started running at the beginning of my sophomore year of college to try to lose the "Freshman 15" that I put on my freshman year. I still remember the first time that I stepped out of my apartment to go "running," it felt good and funny all at the same time. I think I ran about 1/2 mile and I remember feeling so good and proud of myself. I haven't stopped since that day.

If I am going to write about my running "career" I have to write about how for a little while running was only about losing weight. It did help me to lose that freshman 15 and more (more than I should have lost). Throughout college, I ran to burn off everything that I consumed at the bar the night before. I'm not sure if, during this time, I actually enjoyed running like I do now.

After college, I continued to run. My love for the sport grew and so did the miles. I ran a marathon and met my goal of doing it under 4 hours. I am so glad that I did it, but I think that logging that many miles is something that I will never do again, or at least not anytime soon. I have since done a couple of half marathons, which I enjoy a lot more! When we moved to New Smyrna I started doing more 5 K's and actually doing some sprint training. One of the first 5k's that I did, I ran a 21 minutes, that is when I made it my "life goal" to break a 20 min 5k!

Well, after that first race, I had a baby and my jogs were pushing a single jogging stroller! Very soon after having Annie, I was pregnant again with Jesse, but kept running and was soon pushing a double jogger! I did several races, after Jesse came, and finally broke 21 min! Then I got pregnant again, and ran up until I was about 35 weeks. I even ran a race at 30 weeks pregnant (I ran a 23:50 and got third place in my age group!) After Molly was born, I swore that I wouldn't buy a triple jogger...I don't know why I thought that...check out the picture below! (I found one of craigslist that I couldn't pass up!) So today, most of my runs consists of me pushing the three of them!
About 4 months after Molly was born, I started running races again! The first one I did was in New Orelans, visiting my parents and I ran a 20:40, which was, at the time, my best time. Then I did two in row here in NSB around the new year. I ran a 20:20 and a 20:06. I got so close on that race that I thought there was no way I could ever break 20! I took several months off of races and ran one in april, where I added 30 secs and felt terrrible!

After feeling so bad and addding time, I decided to run another race on Mother's Day! When the lady gave me my race number, it was number 19! I thought immediately that that was a sign! The race was on the beach, and I never expected this to be the race that I would break 20 b/c after all, we were running on sand! I did a few things different before that race...for one, I ran with an i-pod. When I run, I love to think and pray and even though music is very motivating, I would rather just be with my thoughts...that was until Mother's Day!

Well, I did it...I finally, after about 5 years, broke 20 minutes! I ran a 19:56...I know I barely broke it, but I did it! Everything is my life, right now is centered around my kids (which I wouldn't trade for the world), except this goal of running. Crossing the finish line under 20 minutes gave me such a different feeling of accomplishment. It was something that I have worked for just for me...even though I probably pushed myself so hard those last few steps b/c Tanner, Annie, Jesse and Molly were all at the finish line cheering me on!
Like I said, I HATE writing stuff about me because I don't want to sound braggish or anything and I know that there are so many girls out there, that are trying to break 19 min or 30 min. but this was such a BIG goal for me and I finally, finally did it! And I am proud! (that is hard for me to say/write out loud) I never want to forget how I felt that Mother's Day morning on the beach!
Today, running has nothing to do with losing weight for me (even though it just naturally keeps me in shape), but everything to do with making me feel good, healthy and strong! It gives me energy to deal with everything that the day brings (with three young kids). I honestly love to run and I am happy that I can say that!

1 comment:

Amber said...

That is AWESOME, Corey, and you don't sound braggish AT ALL. GOOD FOR YOU, GIRL. I was so proud when I broke 30 minutes in a 5K. Ha! Ha! But that was good for me. Shoot...just running was good for me. :) You are an inspiration!