Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Family's here and ultrasounds!

Katie (my sis), Greg (my brother in law), Max (my nephew) and my mom got here yesterday! They're all staying until after Christmas. We've been having a blast so far! Max is getting so big...he can walk around and he calls everything a truck! His favorite thing in the whole world to do is sit in the drivers seat of his dad's truck. He's spent a good amount of time in Tanner's truck since they got here!

I had my first ultrasound today! I got to see the heartbeat and little peanut move around! I'm 9 weeks pregnant and my due date got moved from July 5 to July 23! I knew I wasn't as far along at my Dr. had thought. It's like I'm going backwards in how many weeks along I am! Anyway...everything looks good so far, so we are just thankful! And...this is exciting...

My sis went to her Dr. last week to find out the sex of her baby to be and the baby wasn't cooroperating. She had to schedule her next ultrasound for the end of Jan...and who can wait that long??? So today, my mom asked my ultrasound tech if she could take a look at Katie to see what she is having. We thought for sure she would say she couldn't but she said, yes! Katie got on the table and baby was the perfect postion...legs wide open! She said you are 100% having a baby GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started crying of course! For those of you that know my sister, know that she could have 10 boys and be the happiest person ever! The thought of having a girl is really scary to her, so it has taken all day for her to comprehend the fact that she's goig to have a baby girl! Once she sees that baby, she will be so so thankful that it's a girl! I'm thrilled for her and of course Greg is excited too! Here are both of our ultrasound pictures!

Katie's "It's a girl" picture.

Our little baby peanut...9 weeks old!

Here are some pictures of Max and Annie together!


Samantha said...

Wow! Your ultrasound tech was SUPER nice to give your sister a freebie :) What a great xmas present for all of you.

~Sam (CKMB HappyScrappySam)

The Abney Family said...

That's awesome for Katie! How exciting for you all to be there with her when she found out!

Amber said...

Congrats to you both!!!