Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thankful day 1

In an attempt to focus more on the postive, I am going to write (and try to take a picture) of one thing that I am thankful for everyday during the month of November. I am obviously so thankful for Tanner, Annie, and Jesse, our family and friends. God has blessed me more than I could have ever imaged with the amazing people in my life. But sometimes it is the little things that can have the most influence on my mood or attitude. Therefore, I am going to try to find something to be thankful for in the little day to day things!
Day 1: Toy Trucks
I am so thankful for toy trucks. After having a girl, I wasn't too sure about "boy toys." But I am just amazed at how "boy" Jesse really is. He could sit for hours (well, minutes, but that is hours in baby time, right) and play with his toy trucks. His face lights up and he starts screaming "trucks" when I take his basket of trucks out. These wonderful toy trucks also allow me to have a minute to get chores done around the house or simply have a sip of coffee!

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