Wednesday, September 14, 2011

And so it begins...

We have recently started our first days of homeschool...yes...homeschool!

I have had a somewhat hard time sharing this, but it is time that I step up and "own it!" We are excited, positive and ready to do this! We are going to homeschool!

I know that everyone has their own opinion about homeschooling and because I am NOT a confrontational or very outspoken person I have kind of kept this little (ok, huge) part of our life quiet until now. I respect everyone's opinion on this subject, but right now, where we are in our lives, I just feel that it is best for our family!

This is also an area that Tanner and I have not seen eye to eye on. (There's always things that you are bound to disagree with your husband on this is just BIG one!). So it was hard for me to talk about this with other people when it was even hard for me to talk about it with Tanner! But, here we are and he is being very supportive!

So here are Annie and Jesse on their first day of Pre-K and preschool! And even though this is only pre-K we have started to settle into a little routine!

Don't they look thrilled!

One of the main reasons that I want to give homeschooling a try (yes, a try...we will play each year by ear...I'm not committing to teaching them until college! I'm not getting that carried away...yet!) is because we can learn doing many day to day activities and when they start kindergarten or first grade we can get our lessons done in a very short amount of time. That leaves more time for them to play and get out in the community and just "be kids." So today, we took a trip to the park after we did some little activities at home. After feeling very positive and productive with our morning, the park was another story. I had one that lost a shoe, one that went pee-pee in their pants and one that threw an all our tantrum! Needless to say I walked home from the park a lot less upbeat than on the way there!

I know that not every moment of this journey is going to go smoothly. I'm sure many days my plans won't get done, the house will be a mess, the kids will not be so cooperative, but I am going to give this my all. I'm going to try to teach my kids to love God, be kind, respect others and try to instill a love of learning in each of them. If I can do that, even half of the time, than I think this adventure will be worth it!

If you are reading this, please say a prayer that God will give me much patience! :-)


stephanie howell said...

Good for you my friend!!! So glad you took the challenge!!!!

Megan said...

Yeah! I am so excited for (and inspired by) you! We are a ways off, but our intention is to homeschool also. Praying it goes well and that the kiddos do great!

Amber said...

Good for you, Corey! I know you will all do great!

The Abney Family said...

Just one more example of how you are an awesome mom! What a great idea for you guys to try. Good luck with it! Keep us posted!